Street styles until NOW / Mens Essentials

17:36 Posted by Street

Hey people sorry for the long time rest, now actually try to daily posting, thanks

Simple black shearling

Minimal black Trendy layers

STYLISH #3 /Hidetoshi Nakata/

16:52 Posted by Street

STYLE: Freestyle Casual trendy Street wear

Hidetoshi Nakata (born January 22, 1977) retired Japanese football player. He was one of the most famous Asian footballers of his generation.Nakata has shown interest in fashion, attending runway shows, wearing designer clothing and He also wears Denim /Dior homme, Dsquared2/, And pattern checked shirt, Suits, bla bla bla :-p  sporting colorful haircuts and Japanese hairstylist Aki Watanabe credits him as a trendsetter in hair styles. Andrea Tenerani, photographer for GQ in Italy said of Nakata, "He's perfect; he's like a model. And he's totally obsessed with fashion, and Calvin Klein designer Italo Zucchelli said, "(Nakata) plays with fashion like all of them now, but in a cooler, more sophisticated way than many others." He is one of the models featuring the Calvin Klein underwear campaign 2010. He was featured in the July 2007 US version of GQ with a 12-page spread on Fall Fashion. He was featured in GQ in his home country in December 2011. 
Often regarded as the "Asian" David Beckham, because of his obsession to fashion and his status as being a role model for many Asian Football exports to Europe.

Hidetoshi nakata for Mr.Porter

STYLISH #2 /Lapo Elkann/

16:14 Posted by Street

STYLE: Italian Vintage Preppy 

Lapo Eduard Elkann (born October 7, 1977) is a New York-born Italian industrialist, former marketing manager. He is currently the manager of brand promotion at Fiat Automobiles. Lapo is a sharpest fashion guy in the world, he's often seen at fashion events around the world. Perhaps he inherited his grandfather's sense of style. Lapo Elkann has become famous for promoting Fiat, And he have own fashion label Italian independent - luxury brand. He also wears Double breasted jacket, suits and many different reader sunglasses. 

LUNCH FOR 25 /Italian vintage seniors @Pitti uomo/

13:28 Posted by Street

The Sartorialist: Lunch for 25 from The Sartorialist on Vimeo.

Sound #5

10:33 Posted by Street

Andrea Pompilio Fall 2012 Menswear Collection @ Florence

10:22 Posted by Street

Hi all, I'd like to introduce Andrea Pompilio Fall 2012 Menswear Collection at Florence, The Collection have very trendy keep warm views shampanze print tees, shirts, Cargo pants khakis, wool coats, Brogues, loafers, Cashmere cardigans, Cool printed scarfs, Quilted jackets and many more items, detail of clothes In this Ready to wear collection. I think this Andrea Pompilio Inspire from new trend of  Burberry Prorsum's FW12 collection.


13:17 Posted by Street

Сайн байцгаана уу? Өнөөдрийн пост болвоос би өөрийнхөө сонирхож байгаа Хувцаслалтын хэв маягийг 4 төрөлд хувааж байгаамаа.

1.Workers CASUAL/Ерөнхийдөө бол Layering ихтэй олон хувцас давхарласан, ноосон цамц гадуур нь down jacket гэх маягтай Ажилчны хувцас шиг харагдалттай өдөр тутмын, доорхи зурагнуудад байгаа шиг өнгө төрх хэлбэр загварыг хэлж байгаа юм./

2.PREPPY VINTAGE/Ерөнхийдөө American, European Vintage 1910,1920-иод оноос хойшхи уламжлалт үндэсний хувцаслалт тэр дундаа Casual гэхээсээ илүүтэй арай Official талдаа Suit, shoes ихэвчлэн өмсөх ба орон орныхоо уламжлалт хэв шинжийг хадгалсан Europe талдаа хэв маяг юм./

3.MINIMAL BLACK/Энэ нь сүүлийн үед их дэлгэрсэн Minimalist цул дан илүү дутуу дитейлгүй өнгөний хувьд ч цомхон Futuristic ч гэмээр/

4.DENIM LOOK/Мэдээж энэ бол та бидний өдөр тутам өмсдөг/



16:31 Posted by Street


15:42 Posted by Street


13:29 Posted by Street

Юу байцгаана, За байж байж нэг эрчтэй савья гэж бодлоо. Stylish постоор гайгүй дорвиун стильтэй баачкануудыг танилцуулж зураг нийтлэх болноо, Инспирейшн авах нь аваад өөрсдийгөө өөд нь татах нь татаарай. Нэг талын сайхан зөвлөгөө болох байх.

Өнөөдөр Fashion Editor, Stylist George Cortina-г урин оролцуулж байна.
Д: За Сайн байна уу? Ажил төрөл ТАГ биздээ?
Ж: За нам тайвандаа Дийз-ээ, Ажил сайн сайн ТАГ гэж юу гэсэн үг вэ? .... зазазаза солиорсон юм.
Тэрээр CALVIN KLEIN, GIORGIO ARMANI, LACOSTE, H&M Advertisement-ууд дээр Fashion editor, Stylist-ээр ажилласан ба  VOGUE Japan, V magazine хамтран ажилладаг юм байна.

Main style:  Suit /Single Breasted or Double breasted, Blazers, Three piece suit etc.. /, Shirt, Khaki, Sunglass /Aviator, Wayfarer, Readers/,Shoe /Monk Strap, Brogues, Slip-ons/ /Ерөнхийдөө бол Italian Vintage талдаа Suit ихэвчлэн өмсдөг ах байна :-p/